BACKGROUNDER: Achieving Equity and Inclusion for Children Affected by Poverty

For over 50 years, there has been solid research evidence that poverty has a serious negative impact on children’s education.  Beginning with the 1966 Coleman report in the U. S., studies have established firm links between poverty and lower levels of educational achievement.  Since then, there has been extensive research on what schools can do to close the ‘achievement gap’ using strategies to improve test scores, increase student engagement, and support students to stay in school.

The goal of achieving equity generally includes three dimensions:

  1. a) improving/equalizing access to educational opportunities and resources, such as good teachers, programs, technology, music and arts, school trips;
  2. b) improving/equalizing outcomes as measured by test results, graduation rates; and
  3. c) improving how students experience school (feeling included/belonging, safe, respected).

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